I know it’s been a while coming, but 2021 has been a roller coaster of a year for us, as it has for many.
After releasing Volume 2 of the Syrax Wars series, Ruins of Talamar, almost a year ago (how?!), I already had good ideas on what I wanted from the third book.
The longest of the series, I hope it’s an action-packed ride from start to finish! It rounds out the Syrax Wars trilogy while paving the way for future stories.
Story aside, the cover itself took me a good while to complete. Not happy with the early results, I ended up scrapping it and starting from scratch.
In the end, I’m extremely happy with it. See if you can find which part of the story it represents!
Wrath of Syraxis will be out on November 05th! Available now for preorder on Kindle!